Monday, July 20, 2009

Time With Family

For the last three days we have been living in our motor home at our Grandparents house. It has been so nice to spend time with all my Grandparents before we leave, but it has also been really sad. One moment I’m really excited about going, and the next I don’t want to.

I guess I’ll just be thankful for the time God gives me with the people I care about, and then take His hand and let Him lead me where He needs me…. and try to trust Him while it happens.

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

~ 2 Samuel 22:31

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1

"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ~ Sherlock Holmes

Wow… I loved this book! When I read the first story in it (A Study in Scarlet) several months ago I didn’t think I would like it at all. It took me forever to get through the one story, and I thought it was boring. I finally picked it up again though and began reading the next story, I couldn’t put it down. I had planned to stop at the next story and read another book, and then come back and read another story and so on, but I just kept right on reading till the end.

"Elementary," said he. "It is one of those instances where the reasoner can produce an effect which seems remarkable to his neighbor, because the latter has missed the one little point which is the basis of the deduction." ~ Sherlock Holmes

It made me wonder what kind of person Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must have been, to come up with all those ways to murder and rob people, to find clues and hints that would solve the case, and to come up with such interesting characters.

Although I did enjoy reading about Watson and Sherlock’s adventures I must remind you that it is about murder and crime, and Sherlock does do drugs, and is not the best role model so please make sure to ask your parents before checking it out from the library.

"You are the stormy petrel of crime, Watson."

~ Sherlock Holmes

Speaking of Watson… he is one cool guy. When Sherlock Holmes needs someone to do something that could determine the life and death of someone else he can always trust Watson, and Watson is always ready to take on the task. Watson’s faith in Holmes is amazing to read about.

"’You crossed my path on the fourth of January,’ said he. ‘On the twenty-third you incommoded me; by the middle of February I was seriously inconvenienced by you; at the end of March I was absolutely hampered in my plans; and now, at the close of April, I find myself placed in such a position through your continual persecution that I am in positive danger of losing my liberty. The situation is becoming an impossible one.’" ~ Professor Moriarty

Although I did enjoy the stories to no end I think a break for a little while before picking up Volume 2 will be nice.

All in all I give The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 five stars!

"And now, my dear Watson, we have had some weeks of severe work, and for one evening, I think, we may turn our thoughts into more pleasant channels." ~ Sherlock Holmes

Friday, June 5, 2009


If you would like to meet one crazy, zany, wacky, one ball of fun head on over to the blog titled Pen 2 Paper.

SmartyJones is a dear friend of mine who never stops surprising me. Literally and figuratively. She is one of those friends that I don’t have a sleep over with, we have stay-all-night-and-talk overs.

SmartyJones is always willing to listen, and she is always willing to talk. Although we may not always agree (she likes John Wayne) we are willing to put our differences aside and have fun. We respect each others thoughts, and ideas.

I love talking about movies and actors with her because we both seem to have somewhat of the same ideas and enjoy a lot of the same kinds of movies. This also could describe us and books.

Another thing I love about SmartyJones is that she loves listening to what ever I have been writing, stories, articles, anything she loves to hear it. Her thoughts and advice have been a real blessing on my writing.

Now you may be wondering why I am writing a post all about my friend SmartyJones

The truth is I asked her what to blog about and she, in her usual manner said, "ME!" So here it is SmartyJones, a whole post about you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Writer's Block

Writing for me is not just a hobby, it’s a passion, and a love that I can’t seem to get away from. I enjoy my writing so much, and thank God every day for giving me this awesome gift, but every now and then I get to a point where I can’t write. Everything I was working on seems to come to a stand still, and it all started with one thing.

Normally it’s the thing I’ve been working on the most. A story, article, novel, doesn’t matter, I come to a place where I don’t know where to go next and things start falling apart. I put it away and try again the next day with the same results. So I try to write something else, but I can’t keep the other thing off my mind, and I end up writing myself into a corner on what I am working on.

Before I know it I have a hundred little writers blocks made into one big one "the size of the grand cannon" as a lady at a writers meeting I go to put it.

Now is when I start going crazy, trying to write, but thinking everything sounds terrible. Not writing at all for days on end, and going insane because I can’t figure out what to do.

Then one day something happens, a phrase in a book I was reading maybe? Something a friend said? It could have been something I saw while out and about in town, it doesn't matter what it is, but it always feels like someone handing me a chisel.

Then before I know it something else has happened that makes me feel like I now have a hammer in my hand. Small things start to happen that make me start working away at that writers block, till one day I see light on the other side. The next day I can stick my hand through it. A week later the whole thing crumbles down around me and I can walk through the rubble triumphant. My computer is waiting on the other side with the document this whole thing started with on the screen. I sit down, and write the scene that I thought was so hard. Hit myself on the head because it was so easy… and start the whole thing over again.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friends I've Lost, Friends I Still Have. A Prayer for All

I have so much trouble with the problems of the world. Understanding why they are even there, and how can anyone be so stupid to do any of it?

I remember several good friends that I spent a lot of time with, goofing off, playing games, and having heart to heart talks. These are sweet memories for me, but over the last few years they have turned sad as well.

Many of those friends have "grown up" in the world’s eyes. They now go to public school, and they act like it. Boys is all they have to talk about, and words I would rather not hear comes out of their mouths every other sentence.

To see this hurts so bad, to know that these girls, who I always thought would be just like me have changed so much. The world and it’s people dragged them down into something terrible. They are no longer pleasant to be around, and any contact with them becomes depressing. I want to stay in touch, I want to be that life line when they realize what they’ve gotten into, but I’m also afraid. What influence can they have on me?

Now is when I look to my other friends, as well as my God, and my family. Here is where they hold me up, stand behind me, hit me over the head if I start going down the wrong path.

I pray for the "friends" I have lost, and I pray for the ones I still have. Keep their hearts pure Lord.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. ~ Proverbs 31:10

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Are Sisters For?

To stay up till all hours of the night, laughing till tears stream down your face because your so tired anything she says you find funny.

Then the next morning when you try to tell the rest of the family what was so funny last night, you find it really was not funny at all, and you begin to realize how silly you were…

Then your sister who kept you up to begin with is there and reminding you about chores, school, and everything else that needs done even though your eyes are heavy and you feel you can’t keep them open a minute longer….

Monday, January 5, 2009

When the Dark of Night Closes In

What is it about the late night hours that make a young, female, want-to-be authoress' mind go wild?

Was it the hundreds of quotes about books and reading she had read the night before, or was it the book she had read before turning out the lights and crawling under the covers. After all, the Bible is the best book ever written. Surely it could have inspired something.

It couldn't have been the trip to the library earlier that day, or the hours spent reading the sequel to one of her favorite novels.

Why is it she must find the perfect wording for the end of her work in progress at that moment, when her eyelids are heavy, and all around her, her family is sleeping.

Then, just as the words click together. Just when everything falls into place, her dreams take over, and in the morning when the light comes on and the sound of the house screams morning in her ears. Why is it she has forgotten those magic words? Why is it they have run away from her mind, never to come home again.

Perhaps make their way into another novel, another teenage girls late night thoughts.

Gone forever… the perfect phrase that would have made her novel famous. The big one that got away.