Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I've slowly been discovering that I love many different forms of writing. Short stories, articles, fantasy novels, historical fiction novels, now-a-days fiction novels, blog posts, and last year, much to my surprise, I added poems to the list.

I'm not very good, and it rarely happens, but every now and then a line pops into my head and a poem evolves around it. My poems document has been slowly growing though, so I figured I would share one with my readers.

If it's really terrible you're welcome to throw rotten veggies at me.


I cast around the darkness
For something to hold on to
I've heard about Your kindness

One word is whispered in my ear
A word that holds such promise
The enemy wishes me not to hear

When all seems lost
I still cling to one thing
No matter the cost

To all the living
There will always be
You are always forgiving

Eternally Your light will shine
Your love will continue forever
My heart, Your mercy will refine


  1. This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing...

  2. Wow, that was lovely! :-) Thank you for sharing, Georgie!


  3. Oh, it's lovely! **throws some roses your way** (certainly not rotten veggies!) I never thought I was good at writing poetry either, but last year I wrote a few... this year just a few more... I actually like it now, when all my life I thought I must avoid it, because I wasn't very handy with poetry. Just this past week actually, I was working on a new poem.

  4. Simply gorgeous -- I would like to aid in throwing roses!

    "When all seems lost
    I still cling to one thing
    No matter the cost"

    That bit made me go all teary-eyed... So lovely and so true. ^.^

    And since I'm here, I just want to say that your blog is completely adorable. :)
