Da ta da ta DA! It's a brand new Beautiful People post! Only, it's not your typical Beautiful People. Nope, it's awesome because it's the NaNoWriMo Edition of Beautiful People! We're hoping it will get us all even more excited about the upcoming insanity.
What's the difference you ask? Well, not only are all the questions geared towards those writing novels this November, but we've got an extra little challenge on the side. Because, apparently, writing 50k words in a month isn't challenge enough.
What is this extra challenge? We're encouraging everyone to take a look at the BP archive that my Sam has so neatly put together and answer all the questions on one character. Even if you just do it without posting it on your blog, it's an amazing way to really learn a lot about the way your character thinks and what they love. We suggest using the main character of your NaNo novel, but any character will do.
While this months new questions are geared towards NaNoers, for those who aren't participating this year, we'd love to see the answers to the ones that can be adapted to the novel you're working on at the moment.
1. Sum up your novel in five words, or less.2. Novel title?3. Sum up your main character(s) in one word.4. Advice for newbies in three words?5. Tell us about your secondary characters, how do they affect the story?6. Do you plan on staying up till midnight on the 31st?7. How many years have you done NaNo?8. What came first, characters, or plot idea?9. How much prep do you do before November?10. Now be honest, how do you really feel about NaNo?
Don't forget to sign the linky, and have fun!
Hopefully my link will work now...if not, click on my name.
ReplyDeleteThese are some awesome questions for November! You make me wish I was doing Nano this year. It's hard being left out in the cold! But I'm so busy, I wouldn't have time for 50k words. I do plan on setting down to do extra writing though... just so I do get a bit of a story going.